When you import goods from outside the EU and export goods to countries outside the EU, you must submit a customs declaration. This requires a certain knowledge of customs paperwork. Instead of delving into lawbooks and customs regulations and investing in (expensive) software, you can just rely on CCS and save yourself the effort. We take care in ensuring that your risks are minimised.
Our many years of experience as customs brokers are the best guarantee to ensure the smooth transit of your goods at customs. We calculate any customs duties due and check whether there are further customs regulations to consider. Such as safety and health regulations or trade restrictions. Usually taxation aspects must be taken into account, such as customs duties, which often require advance payment. Leaving your customs declaration to CCS means that you are sure that all laws and regulations are complied with and that your goods will be handled smoothly.
Customs declaration (import)
Are you importing goods from countries outside the EU? Then, it is most likely that you'll have to deal with customs regulations in order to be able to draw up a customs import declaration.
Trade statistics show that world imports of goods are increasing rapidly. However, when importing goods from a country outside the EU, you have to deal with customs. As soon as goods arrive in the EU and are intended for use within the EU, you are under the obligation to submit a customs declaration. And this, regardless of whether you plan to resell the goods or you are only transporting them.
In terms of cost, the impact of an import declaration on logistics costs is minimal; however, in terms of time, there are high risks of delay. Moreover, agreements between buyers and sellers involving international deliveries often entail additional obligations. Such as, who is responsible for customs clearance.
- Drawing up a correct import customs declaration
- Prepayment of import duties to customs via CCS
- Checking proofs of origin
- Customs inspection? We minimise any delays!

Export customs declaration
Are you exporting abroad? An export declaration submitted correctly saves you trouble afterwards.

International trade offers opportunities for growth. However, (local) legislation always comes into play. As soon as your goods are exported to a country outside the EU, you are required to submit an export declaration to customs. Moreover, you can claim a 0% VAT rate. However, in order to claim this 0% VAT rate, you must prove that the goods have actually left the EU.
Exporting goods with no trouble
We always ensure the smooth processing of your export declaration. We live in a world where trade agreements can change every day. CCS customs consultants help you overcome trade barriers and ensure the reliability of your logistics chain. For the purposes of the correct processing of your export declaration, you must ensure that you have all the necessary documents and that the tariff number of the goods (also called HS or TARIC code) is correct.
- Drawing up an export customs declaration the correct way
- Completing the required export documents
- Customs inspection? We minimise any delays!
- Customs issues in international trade
Transit declaration
Transport of goods under T1 or T2 documents with no payment of import duties.
Goods coming from outside the EU or not yet released for free circulation may not be traded freely. Why not? Indeed, import duties and VAT must be paid in advance. In this case, a T1 customs document (transit declaration) is a good solution. In any case, a T1 transit declaration is required for goods in transit for customs purposes.

You need a T1 transit declaration in the following cases:
- Goods imported into the EU but which are not cleared at the border customs but at a customs office within the EU
- Goods entering the EU for customs warehousing
- Shipments from your customs warehouse
CCS customs experts provide you with exact information as to your benefits:
- Drawing up correctly your transit declaration
- Assistance with pending completion of transit documents with the authorities